Rob Zombie's 'Halloween' Remake Trailer

Rob Zombie is only months away from releasing his much-anticipated version of the 1978 classic, Halloween.

The official release date is August 31, 2007.

Watch 'Halloween' Trailer

MTV asked Zombie,
"Talk about the plot of John Carpenter's 1978 classic versus the plot of your "re-imagining."

Zombie: "The plot is so simple [in the original]; it's this young kid Michael Myers," said Zombie. "We've changed it a bit - in the original, he kills his sister; then he's sent to Smith's Grove Sanitarium, which he later escapes from as an adult; comes home and starts randomly killing babysitters. Later, in sequels, they made [his back story] more significant - but in the first one, it's pretty random ... I've added a lot more to it, and I've tried to make everything he did be motivated and justified in some way, so it's never random killing for no reason. There's a reason for everything."

Source: AssociatedContent

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