Melissa Gilbert Shows Us Her Nipples

Melissa Gilbert, better known as the sweet and innocent Laura Ingalls Wilder on 'Little House in the Prairie' must have needed an ego boost.

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She's not getting any younger, and she hasn't done anything worth any publicity in a very long time. So she did what every other publicity whore is doing these days. She left her undergarments, most notably her bra, at home.

This is the last person I would ever expect to step into the spotlight in something see-thru with no bra. Laura Ingalls? Damn. Anyone will do that shat nowadays.

Anyone but me.

I must be a total prude. I know that if I ever stepped outside without a bra and only a sheer top on it would seriously funk my day up. I'd be throwing off leg humpers right and left. Not good street fashion.

Maybe Laura, I mean Melissa, isn't getting any lately and she's craving some random, meaningless schlong. She's middle aged now and just might be one of those crazy old bitches who go full throttle into sexual prowesses. If Melissa really wants to prove to us what a crazy old loon she is, she will flash the firecrotch. Wouldn't that be something?

Hey, it could happen..

Source: CelebUtopia

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