I'm not too sure what to say about this one.

Unlike the other shenanigans, this incident scares me. It makes me wonder if this girl is going to hurt herself. Britney needs help...like, yesterday. I'm thinking a nice vacation at a hospital and a balanced diet of antidepressants is in order.
Kevin Federline may be a dirt bag and all but at least he is mentally able to care for his children. I'm not so sure about Britney.
Let me add that I am not against shaving your head, even if you are female, but for Britney Spears, this is completely out of character.
Somebody save Britney Spears.
Britney shaves her head
More on Britney's Shaved Head:
Britney Gets New Tattoo
Britney Shaves F*cking Head!
Britney Goes From Bald Eagle to Bald Head
Britney Shaves Head Gets Tattoos
(Thanks to everyone for the alerts in my inbox. There was no way I could miss them when I checked my inbox!)