Jennifer Aniston, "Hair Extensions Ruined My Hair"

As Rachel in Friends, her hair was her crowning glory and sparked millions to imitate her. But now Jennifer Aniston has revealed that her famous top has become a disaster area - after an ill-advised decision to have hair extensions. The star, admitted that extensions had ruined her hair. She said her problems started when Friends finished and she decided to chop her famous locks off - and then immediately regretted her decision.

"After Friends I wanted a different look, so I cut my hair. Obviously, I wasn't thinking clearly," she said.

"So I decided to have a couple of extensions, never knowing you end up with 400 things in your head that cause your hair to break off. "Nothing destroys your hair faster than extensions. It's taken a year and a half to get my hair grown out." Miss Aniston's comments follow celebrities including Nancy Dell'Olio, Kate Beckinsale and Christina Aguilera all being spotted with temporary bald patches caused by hair extensions.

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