Hello loves! I'm Crystal from Plush Palate and it's a pleasure to meet you! I'm so honored to be here today helping Erin out while she celebrates one of the most sacred and beautiful times in her life! While Erin and Chris enter wedding bliss, she asked that I share what brings me true bliss and here it is...

Traveling: Wandering the globe and absorbing the world, is my bliss. "Travel is more than the seeing of sights; it is a change that goes on, deep and permanent, in the ideas of living." -Miriam Beard

Beauty: The quest for, the recognition of, and the coexistence with beauty in my life, is my bliss.

Reading: Learning from the classics, getting lost in words, being moved by a poem, is my bliss.

Running: Experiencing the wind around me, breathing the purity of nature, and feeling strong legs beneath me, is my bliss.

Connecting: Recognizing that your soul is completely understood by another and vice versa, is my bliss.

Cooking: A creation of love, a warming of the soul, a nurturing of the body, the feeding of a loved one, is my bliss.

Italy: If countries could be soul mates, Italy would be mine. If the language of my heart had a sound, it would be Italian. The way I feel when I am there, is my bliss.

Being Alone: Quietly enjoying a wonderful relationship of compassion and kindness with myself, is my bliss.

Coffee: Starting each morning with a warm cup, is my bliss.

Love: All you need is love, love makes the world go round, the greatest gift in life is to love and be loved in return, is my bliss.
xo, Crystal
images via. 1. The City Sage 2. Dress Design Decor 3. Luigi Cassinelli 4. Le Love 5. The Sartorialist 6.,7. Unknown 8. Haute Design 9. Simply Seductive 10. Unknown