Hi there Apartment 34 readers! I'm Nole from Oh So Beautiful Paper and I'm thrilled to be guest posting here while Erin is off enjoying wedded bliss and having a great time on her honeymoon (congrats Erin!). So Erin asked me to share things that inspire me and put me into my own state of bliss. And after a very long winter here on the East Coast, now that spring has arrived I've discovered that there is one thing that blisses me out above all others – and that is spring flowers!
From lilacs (my absolute favorite – I even used them in my wedding bouquet!) to peonies to magnolias to daffodils, all the spring flowers popping up around me over the last few weeks has made me an incredibly happy lady. My husband and I recently moved to a new apartment in a row house with a small front yard, so we've started a small garden with a tiny flower bed and a few container plants, but since those haven't started blooming yet I'm contenting myself with walks around the neighborhood or visits to places like Mount Vernon or the National Arboretum.
Oh spring, you make me so happy...

Photos by Nole: Oh So Beautiful Paper