Wedding Wednesday {Honeymooning}

As we've embarked on the wedding planning, the man and I have been advised, and wisely so, to actually go on a full fledged honeymoon trip because those well-intentioned promises of getting to it "someday" or "when we can really afford it" always seem to slip down the priority ladder.

So after much hemming and hawing we've begun to make our honeymoon destination decisions and the first place on the list (with more to come) is...Venice!

all images via dustjacket attic

I can't think of anything more romantic than strolling arm-in-arm past the canals, sipping cappuccino all morning and vino all afternoon, doing little else than watching the gondolas float past. 

After all, Italy is the epicenter of la dolce vita. Not a bad way to begin a life of marital bliss!

PS. all travel recommendations welcome - so you Italy aficionados, please comment!

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