Wedding Wednesday {Paper}

On Saturday we hit the six month mark until the wedding! Proper wedding etiquette will tell you that destination weddings call for save the date announcements to be sent out at least 6 months in advance. 

Luckily, I love all things related to wedding invitations so I had a blast coming up with ideas and now that they've been sent I get to share the final product with you.

We came up with the idea of using vintage Mexican postcards . Fun, right? But hard to find. Thank gawd for Amazon and replicas!

I'm thrilled to announce that we decided to work with the uberfabulous Brown Sugar Design for our wedding invitations (more on their amazing work in the weeks to come!). 

Brown Sugar gave us the brilliant idea of having a custom stamp made to simplify the save the date process even more. I couldn't be happier with the final product.

The finishing touch was to put each postcard in a brown envelope tied up with string - it reminded me of old airmail packages and gives the recipients something to open.

The announcements should be hitting mailboxes as I type this post so I guess there's no backing out now. ;) 

In celebration of my love of all things paper I'll be featuring an amazing giveaway later today. Be sure to check back - you won't want to miss it!

In the meantime, be sure to check out Brown Sugar Design for more paper inspiration!

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