And the {Shopbop} Winner Is...

I was so thrilled to see everyone get so excited about the Shopbop giveaway. (Trust me I was too!)

What better way to kick off a Friday night then to announce who will get to add a frock this fabulous to their wardrobe?!

via blueproofroad
via blueproof road

So without further ado, the very lucky winner is.... Mackenzie of Design Darling! Congratulations Mackenzie. I know you're going to get something fabulous and blog all about it, right?!

Thanks again to everyone who entered, tweeted, Facebook-followed and just left nice comments all week long. It's what keeps a blogger going when the world starts gettin' her down.

Luckily, I get to help a certain someone celebrate a fabulous birthday this weekend. That is just the pick me up I need right now.

Till Monday luvies,
*Mrs. E

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