Someone Calls Lindsay Out on Her Drinking

It took a New Yorker to do it.

Taken from postchronicle

Lindsay Lohan's publicist has fired back at the mother of a young fan after the 40-something New Yorker alleged the Mean Girls star was driving drunk after a Hollywood party.

Ellen Morrissey has gone public with her nightmare Lohan encounter, claiming Lindsay reeked of alcohol and as she sped away she nearly hit the mother and her daughter Erin, 13.

Morrissey told the National Enquirer that she recalls spotting Lohan outside celebrity hang-out the Hotel Roosevelt at 2.30am on February 18th, when the actress was on a break from rehab.

She ran up to Lohan and begged her to pose for a picture with her daughter, a huge fan.

Morrissey says, "Lindsay was holding a glass of clear liquid with a wedge of lemon in it, and she seemed to slur when she spoke. She also appeared to stagger to her car."

After initially agreeing to pose for the snapshot, Lohan then sped off in her Mercedes, prompting the Morrisseys to jump out of the way.

But Lohan's representatives are playing the incident down, stating, "Ellen Morrissey should be more concerned about her daughter being up at 2.30am than about Lindsay."

photos: celebutopia

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