Real 'Wives' will be baaack! Jo and the gang from 'Orange County' will return to Bravo for season two.

According to NY Daily News:

Thought you'd seen the last of "The Real Housewives of Orange County" when star-crossed couple Jo and Slade, after much trial and error, roared off into the Southern California sunset in his gashogging black Hummer? Think again. Bravo is readying a second season of the addictive reality series about five women from the same gated community, and executive producer Scott Dunlop is hoping to use many of the characters he profiled in season one. "It's smart to bring back certain people," said Dunlop.

Indeed, the Jo/Slade relationship packed more melodrama than a month of Lifetime movies. They broke up. They got back together. They broke up. He dated (gasp!) one of the other "Housewives." They got back together. Before their aforementioned final reunion, they had a bruising fight that culminated with his removing the license plate from the Mercedes he had bought her. She sped off in her paid-for car anyway. He went after her in the Hummer, taking out some methodically planted shrubs in the process.

"A challenge for the sophomore season will be to keep it fresh and interesting," said Dunlop, adding that new characters would likely be added for the second season. "Real Housewives" was a sleeper hit for Bravo, eliciting a cult following even as it endured predictable barbs from critics for the overt narcissism of its characters. Bravo has made no official announcement about the series' return.

There were spoiled-rotten children, useless husbands, injectibles parties, more silicone than you could shake a Wonder Bra at and catty coffee klatsches at the tennis club where Kimberly (she of the D cup implants) let Jo know that she should always sip her water through a straw so as not to smear her lipstick. "It's the aspect of judgment," said Dunlop. "I guess that is what makes reality television what it is. We sit there in our living rooms and say, 'Thank God I'm not like that person!'"

Meanwhile, ABC and CBS attempted to cash in on "How to Get the Guy" and "Tuesday Night Book Club." ABC's "how to Get the Guy" (which is a great show Monday's at 10:00 pm) San Francisco-set dating series is still limping along. CBS pulled "Book Club" after two episodes.

Source: NY Daily News

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