We love a man who isn't afraid to show his emotions. And that includes those who aren't too macho to shed a tear once in a while. Singer Nick Lachey has revealed that he actually cries rather a lot - particularly at the movies. He told Glamour magazine: "If a movie makes me cry, I love that. Love Actually wrecks me every time.
"My dad was a very emotional guy and he taught my brother and I not to be afraid of our emotions." And it doesn't stop there. The former Newlyweds star also wells up watching sports.He said: "I cry at sports if something really positive or really negative happens. A horse broke down in a race a couple of weeks ago and I got emotional about that.
But one thing Nick won't do is blubber in front of his male pals. He added: "I wouldn't go and see Love Actually with my friends, I can't imagine breaking down crying in front of the guys. There is a limit." He does have a rep to protect, after all.
Source: Ananova