Angelina Jolie has reportedly asked for some help with her three kids from Brad Pitt’s parents.

Jolie does employ nannies to help her with her growing family, but is now keen for the Pitt’s to be more involved.According to In Touch, having grandparent’s as babysitter’s had in the past not appealed to Jolie, but now fatigue has set in she is welcoming their input.A source told the magazine: "At first Angelina said - now we're fine - we have nannies," "But then she realized that if the kids' grandparents want to play a part, then she should let them, and she's happy for them to help out.”

Jolie is currently unable to lean on her own parents as her mother, Marcheline Betrand is extremely ill with cancer and she is estranged from the actor father, Jon Voight.

The Emmy Award nominated Voight recently said of his daughter and new granddaughter: "I certainly would have thought that we would have returned to love (and) been able to express our love and devotion to each other before this, but it'll be around the corner, I'm sure of it."

A friend of the Jolie-Pitt’s added to In Touch magazine: “A year ago, Angie would’ve just taken the kids and done what she wanted to do,”

“She was extremely independent. Now she’s learning to share the power and decision making with the man she loves, for the good of the family. It’s a huge adjustment for her, but she’s determined to make this relationship work.”

Source: Entertainmentwise

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