Sponsor {Grace Edmonds Calligraphy}

For those of you in the wedding invitation market, or really if you have any paper needs, I'd immediately point you to Apartment #34's newest sponsor, Grace Edmonds, and her amazing calligraphy. Her work is jaw-droppingly good.

Her custom hand written work will turn any invitation into an heirloom piece. Her work really speaks for itself!

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Be sure to check out Grace's website for more amazing examples in her portfolio - and then if you're not getting married - make up an excuse to work with her! How wonderful would it be to throw evite out the window and invite your birthday or summer BBQ guests to a fete with a handwritten invite!

Would you like to reach thousands of style savvy readers everyday and let them know about your services, shop or art? Apartment #34 is accepting spnosorship for July and August and offering a small business special!

Email apt34blog {at} gmail {dot} com by July 10 for more information!

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