Perez Hilton Does Fashion … Again!

Perez Hilton Does Fashion … Again!

Celebrity fashion blogging is the next arena of pop culture to be tackled by ubiquitous pop culture vulture, Perez Hilton. Known for attracting controversy as well as hits on his blog, Perez Hilton aka Mario LaVadeira, launched in August to expand his “new media” empire.

While some in the blogosphere, such as, and the original creators of have achieved a measure of cyberspace success by more palatable means, Perez has used the technique of “blog as lighting rod” in order to stir the pot and spring-board his online presence to mainstream media. His ventures include a record label with Warner Bros.( Perezcious Music) , a radio gossip show (Radio Perez), a short-lived VH-1 TV program (Perez Sez) and a clothing line for Hot Topic. Perez’s efforts have certainly had successes and failures. TV, radio, music and now back to the web. The question is, does lighting strike twice? Can Perez emulate his own success in the blogosphere with quips, quotes and by skewering questionable taste?


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