I've Got a Crush

A mix and match of pastels and jewel tones.
5040236257_101f3de0a4_z sideprojecttumblr_lalg9j01Nq1qzcq51o1_r1_1280 from me to you

A shot in the dark,

Capture via lonny

With light and bright around the corner,

0601c5d776cd simply luxurious

A perfectly quaffed mess,

tumblr_lbjk5dYRBl1qzbqbwo1_400 ev fab3via everything fab2

A whoopie pie wedding cake,
ace_wedding_sy_151 via green wedding shoes

Roses (when they come from my husband)

tumblr_lbcga0DFTH1qzbqbwo1_400 via everything fab

And a shiny reminder!


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