Megan Foxes replaces Victoria Beckham as the new face of Armani

Megan Foxes replaces Victoria Beckham as the new face of Armani

Megan Fox is set to replace Victoria Beckham as the face of Armani underwear.

Mrs B has been posing and pouting in her pants for the brand with husband David since 2007. However, Fox, who has recently been described as 'dumb as a bag of rocks' will be the face of Armani's 2010 women's collection.

David Beckham has substituted (ho ho ho) for fellow footballer Christiano Ronaldo. However the brand has decided not to recreate the Beckham's provocative poses from the 2009 campaign - Megan and Ronaldo won't be featuring in the same shots.

At least Megan Fox has something to fall back on once she's alienated every film director and crew in the country...

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