Tastey Tuesday {Orange You Delicious}

As we enter into August (really, August?!), it's time to start relishing every soothing and satisfying summer moment before they all slip away. That's why I just loved these brilliantly simple "orange bowls."

photo via fee amore and domino kitchen spotted on dress design decor

The orange scooped clean and filled with sweet vanilla ice cream becomes your very own homemade creamsicle! Can't you just see a candle-lit picnic table peppered with little citrus balls? If you ask me, a table for one, particularly in that kitchen, would do just as nicely!

Here's a yummy milk sorbet that I'm going to have to try for my next summer party. Bon appetit my dears.

Vanilla Bean and Milk Sorbet via Cannelle et Vanille

500 grams organic whole milk
125 grams sugar
3 vanilla beans, scraped
150 grams heavy cream, soft peaks

In a medium saucepan, bring the milk, sugar and vanilla beans to a boil. Remove the pan from the heat and let the vanilla beans infuse in the milk for about 30 minutes. Strain the milk and reserve the vanilla beans for another time. Refrigerate the milk for at least 4 hours.

Churn the sorbet in the ice cream machine. In the meantime, whip the cream to soft peaks. When the milk base is almost done churning and forms ripples, add the whipped cream to the machine. Let the machine mix it all together but don't mix it too much otherwise your cream might turn to butter.

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