Gettin' Gussied Up

Well my dears, I hinted at a big announcement for Apartment #34 last week. A lot has been happening in my world of late, but little of it has been in blog world. The big announcement is....that is all about to change!

After more than 2 years and nearly 900 posts, I think it's high time I pretty this place up a bit!

image by anna aden via flickr

In the coming days and weeks you're going to see changes in a variety of things here including a subtle facelift for Apartment #34, long overdue updates to links, new weekly features (Tasty Tuesdays anyone?!) and new sponsors. 

My most exciting endeavor is a little something I'm calling Apartment#34creative. While planning my wedding and reception, I caught the creative services bug something fierce and so now I'm hoping to take all I learned and help others create the special occasion of their dreams! 

This is all in the beginning stages, but I was just too excited to wait to tell you. Things are going to take awhile to set, so keep checking back and let me know if you enjoy what you see or have ideas or suggestions. 

And if you have a party you need help to plan it's not too early! Feel free to email me now apt34 {at} gmail {dot} com. I aim to make Apartment #34 your go-to destination for all things style. I hope you'll like it!

Mrs. E

PS. The winner of the Wendy Mink giveaway will be announced at 4:00 pm this afternoon - so enter now!

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